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Canal cruise Burgundy

Luciole Blog

Winter 2017

The days are getting longer in Auxerre and with our winter work in progress, we are greatly cheered to see the golden sun rise earlier and the sun later. Darkness descended at 6.10pm today, the 24 January.

Last winter we replaced four bathrooms and this winter, it is the remaining four. Andy, our tour guide, turned winter OC of Works is once again guiding us through the challenges of boat renovation. Captain Francisco is providing valuable assistance, in every way and Penny wears the cap of catering and clear-up services.

Admittedly in the cold it has been suggested (by Penny) we take the very long way home from the recycling centre, so we can stay longer in the warm and cosy car, but it has not happened yet! Thankfully there is Andy's coffee machine to keep us going.

We know it will be spring before too long although at this stage, it is hard to believe it will ever be warm again. We certainly do feel ready for some heat, in and out of the kitchen/galley...

Hotel barge Luciole

Cruising since 1976

Phone: 00 44 1625 576880
From USA: 011 44 1625 576880

23 Adlington Road, Bollington
SK10 5JT England

1-2 Quai de la Republique, Auxerre
89000 France

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