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Canal cruise Burgundy

Luciole Blog

21st - 27th August 2016

After 2 very enjoyable weeks of rest and recuperation for the crew, everyone is back onboard the Luciole fresh and raring to go with another charming group of American passengers, 13 friends travelling together. It's hard to think of more welcome guests to restart the season as we head into our final couple of months. They were gracious, easy company and always joking, getting into the swing of life around here and doing it with a glass in hand and a smile on their faces.

They however were not the only new faces onboard this week, as we are very fortunate indeed to be joined by 2 new members of the Luciole team, taking their first steps into barge life and wondering what on earth they've gotten themselves into. First of all we have the extremely professional, unerringly calm and most talented chef Jade, a fellow Glaswegian and close friend to our dear old former chef Marc. Also stepping aboard for the first time and occupying the role of hostess is the bright and cheerful, smiley and lovely Kim from England. Welcome aboard to the both of you, and welcome back to Emma, hostess extraordinaire from last season and back with us now to brighten our days, never a dull moment with Emma around, particularly when there's rum in reach!

This week was the perfect example of a group working in harmony. With new members on board it can of course become a little chaotic as there is so much to learn and life is so different here to a regular workplace. Despite all the obstacles things ran perfectly without a hiccup and the ambience really could not have been better, thanks in no small part to the understanding and very helpful nature of our guests, they couldn't have made things much easier for us short of doing the washing up themselves!

Unfortunately there is one piece of sad news alongside all the good this week, as much loved and highly respected host Arthur finally took his leave and headed back home to England, time for him to see the very missed former hostess Amelia who departed a few weeks ago, and perhaps even more importantly his great big dog in a tiny body, Buster, who he hasn't seen since April and who has been causing all kinds of mischief at home being shared between Penny, John and William. So to Arthur, best of luck with all your travels and beyond, you'll be missed!

Hotel barge Luciole

Cruising since 1976

Phone: 00 44 1625 576880
From USA: 011 44 1625 576880

23 Adlington Road, Bollington
SK10 5JT England

1-2 Quai de la Republique, Auxerre
89000 France

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